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Testata registrata presso il Tribunale di Patti Reg. n. 197 del 19/07/2006
Speakable and Unspeakable About the Copenhagen Climate Summit
Ferdinand E. Banks*
This paper is not about global/climate
warming, which is a topic that cannot be competently discussed by persons who
are untrained in the relevant branch of physics. It is about some economic
issues treated – or not treated – at the Kyoto conference on the climate, and
now at the Copenhagen Climate Summit. First and foremost I point out the
inadequacy of the cap-and-trade (or emissions trading) approach that has gained
an undue popularity, even though it has been denounced by – among others – the
economist who introduced this procedure. In addition, I suggest that more
attention should be paid nuclear energy, by which I mean that ‘marginal’
increases in nuclear capacity should take place in some countries.
Key words: Emissions Trading, Carbon Dioxide (Co2), Nuclear Energy
Several years ago I gave a number of energy economics lectures which included an
insistence that the Kyoto conference on the environment was badly flawed. My
reasoning turned on the neglect of nuclear energy, as well as the decision taken
at that meeting to promote cap-and-trade (or emissions trading) as the main
device for offsetting a too rapid accumulation of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the
upper (or perhaps lower) atmosphere. I am glad to report that at least one
improvement has occured, because with or without highly publicized conferences,
it is absolutely certain that a nuclear revival has started.
Moreover, even if cap-and-trade craziness plays a big role in the Copenhagen
meeting that started on December 7, 2009 (which was the 68th anniversary of the
attack on Pearl Harbour), it no longer has a bright future. The most accredited
scientific proponent of the war against anthropogenic (or man-made)
global warming, James Hansen, now recognizes that emissions trading is a mistake,
and also wants Copenhagen to fail. Someone else against cap and trade is the
former CEO of British Petroleum, Lord Browne of Madingly, who at one time
regarded its acceptance as a key ingredient in his firm’s green image. As icing
on the cake, the Wall Street Journal (Aug. 13, 2009) reported that the
‘inventor’ of this nutty concept is now against it. The word “scam” was
frequently used in their summary..
A number of economics misunderstandings associated with conclaves of the Kyoto
and Copenhagen variety need to be examined in detail, but unfortunately I can
only consider a few in this brief contribution. I can mention though that in
recent years I have taken part in an intensive and protracted exchange of ideas
on environmental topics in the forum EnergyPulse (, which
specializes in matters related to the supply of and demand for electric power.
Where energy topics are concerned, EnergyPulse and ‘321 Energy’ are the most
important of all the internet sites, and on the average provide insights
superior to those obtained in most university classrooms.
Although not easily explainable, a surprisingly large number of students and
teachers of energy and environmental economics are at a loss when confronted
with real-world enterprises and markets, and a similar though less sophisticated
deficiency characterizes the expensive confusion in non-academic milieus and
A partial explanation of this unfortunate state of affairs is that many
articulate and/or influential consumers and producers believe that they have a
rich choice of technological and economic means for optimizing their
satisfaction in energy and environmental matters. In reality though, if cost is
brought into the picture in a meaningful way, they have little or no choice.
This is a message that even many members of the economic research community does
not understand, because at several recent conferences I felt compelled to point
out that despite the attempt by Swedish politicians and busybodies to convince
bystanders that this country is a role model for unconventional energy
investments, percentage-wise Sweden has made only slightly more progress than
those Third World countries whose endeavors are just beginning.
As noted in O’Sullivan and Sheffrin (2003), a large enterprise in the United
States – American Public Service (APS) – elected to fulfil the environmental
responsibilities introduced by the Climate Control Accord (of 1994) by paying
for pollution abatement projects in China, India and other countries where
abatement costs are lower than in its home state (Arizona). APS also financed a
reforestation project in Mexico, which ostensibly will help to suppress global
warming because forests (and large bodies of water) absorb some of the CO2 that
is judged responsible for undesired climate change.
These abatement schemes are to some extent perfectly logical if we have a
continuous global environment. Assuming this to be the case, then reducing
pollution in e.g. China or Mexico would unambiguously benefit the good citizens
of Arizona (and elsewhere). But regrettably, some of us recall that a possible
outcome in an advanced ‘prisoners dilemma game’ is one in which restraint by one
player could lead to excesses by others. Not “could” but probably does, because
no matter what you have heard about the progress made in reducing undesirable
emissions, the global output of CO2 into the atmosphere increased by at least
two percent during 2008 (and almost 30 percent between 2000 and 2008).
According to Susanna Baltscheffsky (2009), a principal cause of this situation
is economic growth in China and India, which is a secret that no longer has a
great deal of value, because it has been completely absorbed by all except the
most drowsy members of the TV audiences. What has not been absorbed is that
regardless of what happens in Arizona or similar locales, the above two
developing countries are under no obligation to entirely or even partially
reciprocate the good intentions of distant polluters by lowering (or at least
not raising) their own output of deleterious emissions. It is also a reason why
the cap-and-trade approach to emissions suppression that is reportedly favoured
by the new U.S. government is unlikely to succeed: it cannot be enforced
globally. Of course, both the Chinese and Indian governments have indicated that
they will take steps to conform to the environmental stipulations negotiated in
Copenhagen, and I see no reason to believe that they are not serious, however
serious or not this is unlikely to happen: the trade-off is lower economic
Details of this nature are much less important for me than the often promoted
assumption that if – IF - the good citizens of Arizona pay higher prices for
electricity – which they would almost certainly have to do regardless of how or
where APS abates a given amount of pollution – a (ceteris paribus)
reduction in pollution in some exotic neighbourhood on the other side of the
world would subsequently alleviate pollution in the U.S. by an amount close to
that which would take place if APS’s pollution reduction expenditures had been
made in or near Arizona.
Moreover, if this were not so, and investments on their part did not
provide palpable local benefits, it would be very difficult for the citizens of
e.g. Arizona to maintain their enthusiasm for international pollution control.
In addition, if those expenditures were made in or near Arizona, they would
provide additional benefits to Americans in the form of wages, salaries, and
possibly training.
Sweden is a good illustration here, though in a perverse sort of way. Most of
the electricity in this country is generated with nuclear energy and hydro, but
even so, many Swedish politicians and environmentalists seem favourably disposed
to the direct or indirect heavy taxation of a domestic output of emissions that
happens to be one of the least intrusive in the industrial world. This official
preference deserves special attention, because if the entire electricity
generating world imitated Swedish environmental practices, meetings of the Kyoto
and Copenhagen variety could be cancelled or reduced to insipid talk-shops where
delegates attend amateurish lectures, and busy themselves with obtaining
invitations to the next climate warming ‘happening’.
In a brilliant article, Lester Lave (1965) discussed how in repeated games –
though under laboratory conditions – cooperation might come about if some
players make a point of setting a good example. I certainly favour good examples
on the environmental scene and elsewhere, because I can remember when Sweden was
a shining example of a highly efficient ‘mixed’ economy. I also recall efforts
to explain to myself and colleagues the virtue of setting good examples during
long vacations with the U.S. Army in Japan and Germany. However things are
changing. Now, in the land of the Midnight Sun, politicians and civil servants
are less concerned with examples than becoming associated with silly
international proceedings, in order to be rewarded with a dab of recognition
when they slouch through the corridors of the European Union’s headquarters in
Brussels. If this means that Swedish taxpayers must bleed, then their discomfort
is one of the penalties for choosing to reside in Scandinavia instead of
Pago-Pago or on the rim of the Kalihari..
As I just found out, there is little or nothing that I can or want to say about
global/climate warming that I did not say in my book The Political Economy of
Coal, written in Melbourne (Australia) about twenty six years ago (1985).
Hardly anything has changed in the environmental drama that I believed was
unfolding at that time, and some of the actors are still on stage. I will say
however, that I felt and expressed more admiration for U.S. Congressman Waxman
in that book than I did in some recent presentations at a workshop in Italy,
where I described the climate initiative of that gentleman and his colleague
Congressman Markey irrational and possibly destructive.
Although I am no longer au courant on most climate matters, I claimed in
my coal book that bad signs were appearing in the form of a trend change in the
increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Among the items I mentioned were
that with the temperature in the Northern Hemisphere at about the same average
level as today, a fall in the average temperature of about one degree
(centigrade) in 1300 was enough to make ice skating on the Thames possible
during a few weeks of the winter. Similarly, a one-degree average rise in the
temperature might cause an ugly increase in the bacteria in our surroundings.
Readers interested in this approach should examine two short articles by Barbier
and Festrates in the French ‘weekly’ Lexpress (2009).
Anecdotes like the above have little or no scientific value, but the point is to
suggest that for a civilization that is as fine-tuned to the present climate as
ours may turn out to be, an average temperature change of only a few degrees,
maintained over a long period, could have serious consequences. Baroness
Thatcher, the former conservative prime minister of the UK, has commented on
this predicament, saying that with or without our approval or knowledge, a
dangerous experiment with the global environment is underway, due to the
apparently unstoppable build-up in atmospheric CO2.
Although I do not hesitate to declare myself completely unqualified to e.g.
contribute to the discussions of the present topic that often – but not always –
take place in publications like Scientific American, I am sufficiently
qualified to dismiss the loony-tune contributions made by persons like the
journalist Paul Johnson, the gadfly Bjorn Lomborg, and various English sceptics
with half-baked scientific backgrounds who have burdened us with crank comments
on climate matters over the last decade. In this last category I include an
English know-nothing who claims that consensus views play little or no decisive
role in science, although clearly this is not true in the academic world over
the long run except on rare occasions, and here I include the kind of
store-front university where I received some of my undergraduate training..
Economics students who ask me for advice are immediately told to study game
theory, but not to pay more than minimal attention to game theory books that
specialize in mathematical overkill. As I stated above, what we might be dealing
with here is something like a prisoner’s dilemma game, which if developed
properly might be capable of providing a systematic approach to the actions a
country could and should take if strategic decisions are required in its
dealings with other countries. This is much more complicated than the
pseudo-scientific antics indulged in by Russell Crowe in the Hollywood travesty
‘A Beautiful Mind’, because most real life dilemmas cannot be modelled at the
Rand Corporation or on the sound stage at MGM. Instead rational and irrational
individuals and institutions participate in adversarial encounters in order to
‘score’ prizes like money and prestige.
In case any questions come up about the above topics, or for that matter similar
topics not taken up in this short paper, the absolutely and totally correct
answer should begin as follows: A NEW ENERGY ECONOMY MUST EVENTUALLY BE PUT
WARMING IS REAL OR AN ELABORATE FICTION. Personally, I have never at any
time felt an urge to get to the bottom of this issue, however the present
climate debates and the direction in which they have taken are a good thing,
because they will contribute to an earlier realization of the indispensible new
energy economy.
With a little luck, those efforts might reveal that while attempting to solve
energy and environmental problems with things like ‘clean’ coal and natural gas
might be useful in some circumstances, for the most part they will be
counter-productive if those efforts are carried to extremes. At the same time
let me say that if I am present in a conference, or a seminar, or a McDonald’s
when announcements are made that undesirable emissions should be combated with
nuclear, I immediately tune out, because at the present time the optimal
approach is often – though not always – ‘additional’ nuclear, and a very large
increment of renewables and/or non-conventional devices, liquids, approaches and
thinking. Put another way, the emphasis should be on diversity.
When the topic is the presence or absence of AGW, we have a situation where
politics and psychology play a key role, which means that we cannot always call
on altruism or ‘models’ or statistics or differential equations to launch us on
the road to optimal conduct. Yes, increasing numbers of people are prepared to
sacrifice a modest amount of money and/or comfort in order to help keep the
environment in a seemly condition for the human family and its descendents; but
when the bad news might materialize dozens or hundreds of years in the future,
of unknown extent, involving societies whose compositions are unknown, then
taxpayers and their political masters can be expected to find it difficult to be
enthusiastic about even relatively small expenditures. As Professor John Kay
once pointed out, “the burden of caring for all humanity, present and future, is
greater than even the best-intentioned of us can bear.”
It has certainly become greater than I can bear or contemplate. For this reason
I would be more than happy if the complicated task of devising tactics and
strategy for the battle against global-warming was never thrust into my caring
hands, and instead turned over to high ranking politicians and technicians and
civil servants – hopefully bypassing mastodon and sterile meetings of the
Kyoto-Copenhagen variety, where the majority of participants are completely and
totally without a relevant technical or scientific background, lack a minimal
training in energy economics, and in many cases are uninterested in climate
warming except as a means to further careers and expand bank accounts.
As a result, when sitting in the quiet of my lonely room, my thinking on this
topic usually turns to some conclusions I reached when presenting a short course
on environmental economics at the Australian School of the Environment
(Brisbane, Australia); the basic issue is rationality! It has to
do with whether voters and serious politicians – or for that matter non-voters
and political hacks – are really and truly willing to adopt or accept or
tolerate political and economic programs that are consistent with their
ambitions in life, love, and the pursuit of money or power. It should be
accepted that this is asking those ladies and gentlemen for a great deal.
Some time ago I was informed that even the very conservative ‘think tank’, the
Cato Institute, has come to the conclusion that nuclear is a lost cause, citing
all sorts of subsidies that it requires to make it work. The same sort of
ignorant contention has been advanced by the highest energy bureaucrat in Sweden,
Professor Thomas Kåberger of the Swedish Energy Authority (Energimyndigheten).
Frankly, I would be very surprised if this were true for the United States,
however I want to make it clear that it is blatant nonsense and without the
slightest empirical foundation where Sweden is concerned. As a group,
Swedish taxpayers have not paid a penny to subsidize nuclear energy.
However it is clear to me why the Cato researchers would provide the faithful
with this screwy message: the knowledge of energy economics possessed by many
energy researchers, their employers and almost all of their readers is not even
as great as my knowledge of mathematics and physics was when the Dean of
Engineering at Illinois Institute of Technology (Chicago) called me to his
office, and before expelling me for poor scholarship, informed me that in those
two subjects I was completely and totally hopeless. He of course was somewhat
mistaken, because although my memory of that splendid occasion may not be as
accurate as I would like, I failed more than those two items during my first two
semesters at his establishment, and in addition failed them twice.
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* Uppsala University (Sweden)
Pubblicato su
il 21/12/2009